Thorntree Press

Thorntree Press

Thorntree Press

Just as the projects we take on aren’t limited to the field of science, the clients we take on aren’t limited to Canada.

Thorntree Press is a Portland, Oregon–based publishing house specializing in non-fiction books on relationships, particularly non-traditional relationship models. They have a unique publication model that relies on crowdfunding to support production costs and pre-market books.

In 2014, Thorntree Press published More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory, by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert. In this book, the authors share their experiences and provide insight on ethically conducting multiple romantic relationships.

The Talk Science to Me team provided the copy editing, typesetting, proofreading and indexing for More Than Two, and managed the 2013 crowdfunding campaign and the 2014 book tour.

We also provided the design, content and development for the Thorntree Press website.

Crowdfunding Projects for Thorntree

2015 Slate of Books 

We effectively managed the crowdfunding campaign for Thorntree Press’s three 2015 titles, for which we also provided all production services: Stories From the Polycule, The Husband Swap and The Game Changer. While most crowdfunding campaigns are the pitch of a single creator’s vision, Thorntree Press pursued funding as a team with a variety of perks contributed by the whole team. Overseeing the campaign involved managing a diverse strategy of backer benefits, which included jewellery, t-shirts, supplemental e-books and exclusive artwork. The campaign raised US$20,401 in 29 days, achieving 107% of the funding goal.

Purple Prose

Purple Prose: Bisexuality in Britain is a 2016 book by Kate Harrad that explores the identities, lived experiences and cultural misunderstandings of bisexuality in the United Kingdom. The Indiegogo campaign, which launched in October 2015, raised £7,935, achieving 111% of the original funding goal. The amount of money raised, while seemingly typical in terms of self-publishing costs, is an extraoardinary show of confidence by the public in a book aimed at an audience that is often invisibilized, even within its own community. Talk Science to Me is proud to have been so instrumental in creating that public trust through our work managing the book’s crowdfunding campaign.

Kimchi Cuddles

Ask Me About Polyamory: The Best of Kimchi Cuddles is a compilation of Tikva Wolf’s popular webcomic. Thorntree Press sought to raise US$8,585, a modest amount by self-publishing standards yet bold in their designs to generate committed backers from an audience of webcomic readers, who are accustomed to getting the content for free. The strategy for the Indiegogo campaign involved straightforward tiers of perks, actionable stretch goals and unique, exclusive perks like a consulation with Dr. Elisabeth Sheff, an expert on children in polyamorous families. The crowdfunding campaign raised 160% of the original goal, reaching US$13,712.

Whatever the industry, country, or funding goals of our clients, we fiercely invest in their success.

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