Royal Alberta Museum

Royal Alberta Museum

Since January 2016, Talk Science to Me has been involved with redeveloping the Royal Alberta Museum‘s natural history and human history galleries. We provided copy editing and proofreading services for the gallery materials with the understanding that legibility is key to an immersive experience. A typo or confusing sentence can distract visitors and even undermine their confidence in the exhibit’s veracity.

In addition to proofreading video and media scripts for the natural and human history galleries, Talk Science to Me is restructuring the content of 30 computer interactive exhibits. To guarantee cohesion and accessibility, all of our contributions to the museum’s 2018 reopening are provided in both English and French.

Museums aren’t just for field trips. They’re a vital public resource. In an age of rapidly proliferating technology, knowledge is immediate. But Internet resources are unable to replicate the immersive experience that museums provide. More importantly, museums ensure those experiences, which are indispensable for fostering a personal investment in our history, remain accessible to the public.

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