Canadian Blood Services

Canadian Blood Services

As science communicators, we understand how fraught science funding can be. When institutions charged with advancing scientific knowledge need assistance with securing funding, we are proud to heed the call.

Canadian Blood Services (CBS) oversees blood supply for the Canadian population outside of Quebec. Collecting blood from residents for transfusions is essential to their mission, but only a single facet of their work in maintaining the community health of Canada.

In addition to developing visual library guides for CBS’s website, Talk Science to Me helped CBS establish its blog, a resource of professional resource that sheds light on the diversity of scientific practice and technology that fits under the umbrella of “transfusion studies”.

Talk Science to Me has written several blog posts for CBS, on topics relating to platelets, the use of mice in research and the history of blood transfusion. The writer also volunteered to give blood to provide a first-hand account of the experience.

CBS also administers its highly competitive Graduate Fellowship Program, where students can apply for funding to pursue their research in transfusion sciences. This program is crucial in ensuring Canada retains the talent and knowledge necessary to remain on the forefront of blood treatment.

To highlight this program and its positive impacts to the Canadian government, CBS enlisted Talk Science to Me to interview participants of the fellowship.

These interviews illustrated the diversity of projects (and, ultimately, careers) enabled by the program. Talk Science to Me, in collaboration with CBS staff, crafted an essay based on these stories to present as an argument in favour of continued funding for the fellowship program.

Science isn’t concerned only with studying life, but also with studying how we may preserve and improve upon that life, a field in which CBS is absolutely on the forefront.

As CBS says, it’s in us all to give. Talk Science to Me stands by our commitment to better living through science by giving our client the support and services it needs to ensure a healthier Canada.


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