Alyssa Gonzalez


Alyssa Gonzalez combines her love of science with extensive experience with many kinds of writing, including scientific articles and short fiction.

Alyssa Gonzalez is a science writer. She combines her love of science with extensive experience with many kinds of writing and a passion for making complex concepts understandable. Trained as a biologist, Alyssa brings analytical skills, live-animal experience, and a deep love of sharing knowledge in accessible ways to every project she works on.

Writing and science were Alyssa’s twin first loves, and working as a science writer has enabled her to make use of both of those skill sets at the same time. Her experience as an article writer, fiction writer, technical writer and more enables her to translate complex topics into understandable prose for any level, and to connect ideas in surprising ways. She reads endlessly, building her knowledge base for future projects.

Alyssa has written on subjects as diverse as travel safety for transgender people and the cutting edge of immunology, and has managed a manufacturing warehouse for specialty pet supplies. Being highly organized and diligent helps her manage a life lived in every direction at once.

A teacher at heart, Alyssa brings to her writing the same zeal that prodded her to invent new classroom materials for the students she once taught dissection techniques, and the same clarity of purpose that made sure her students remember her fondly.

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Blog Posts:

Science is the art of telling true stories, and I see myself as a storyteller.