Pimachiowin Aki Proposed World Heritage Site

Pimachiowin Aki Proposed World Heritage Site

Talk Science to Me provided stylistic editing and copy editing for three documents related to a 2011 report on the Pimachiowin Aki forest.

Spanning 29 million square kilometres of Manitoba and Ontario wilderness, the Pimachiowin Aki forest is part of the global boreal region, which encompasses some of the largest intact forests in the world. To protect their 6,000-year-old home and culture, First Nations groups in Pimachiowin Aki are attempting to have the region designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Authors Vivek Voora and Rosemary Dohan, through the International Institute of Sustainable Development, were appointed to write a detailed report assessing the global significance of the site and comparing it to others in order to determine if its significance is unique-a mandatory criterion for World Heritage classification. Securing a World Heritage designation is a long and arduous process, spanning years and requiring reams of research and analysis.

Having a wealth of experience in providing support for reports of this calibre and magnitude, we appreciate what will catch the attention and urgency of the people these reports aim to reach. Many find the task of “writing by committee, for a committee” daunting and tenuous. And that’s okay. Because it’s what we’re good at. We are ready and prepared to help you sort the forest from the trees.

This work was performed on contract to the International Institute for Sustainable Development.

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