Climate Risk Management (IISD/UNDP)

Climate Risk Management (IISD/UNDP)

The Climate Risk Management-Technical Assistance Support Project was an initiative of the United Nations Development Programme, implemented by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Eve Rickert started working with IISD as a publications editor in 2009, and has been providing editing support to the Climate Risk Management team since March 2012.

This project aimed to study and evaluate climate-related events, including trends and projections, and make decisions aimed at minimizing potential harm and maximizing benefits when it comes to climate change. The project took place in seven countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. One report was produced for each country. The reports ranged from 60 to 90 pages of formatted text, or between 22,000 and 36,000 words.

Talk Science to Me’s role was to copy-edit each report, working in conjunction with the program staff to manage the editing, translation and design of the publications.

The seven reports can be found below:

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