Author: Roma

I love a conference with a good name, and Brain 2015 is one of the best I've seen. Even better, it's happening here in Vancouver on June 27–30, 2015. Brain'15 is a pairing of two meetings: the 27th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function and the 12th International...

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) recently published Trade and Green Economy: A handbook, the third edition of a handbook that examines the relationship between trade and the environment. The third edition focuses specifically on the green economy, which UNEP defines as an economy "that results in improved...

I recently found out that over 95% of the electricity produced by BC Hydro comes from hydroelectric sources, which floored me. I grew up in Alberta, where the majority of power comes from coal and natural gas, so my concept of electricity sources doesn't include water, except...

I think plain language is awesome. I’m glad the movement is gaining momentum and that there are enthusiastic advocates out there trying to make plain language the default. And I’m excited to be learning more about how to improve my own plain language skills. But I’m not...

One of the best things about growing as a company is that we get to offer our associates opportunities for growth, too. Our science writer, Amanda Maxwell, has been a Talk Science to Me associate since June 2013, and now we’re pleased to announce that...